
A freaky blogger, and an active blog-reader whose have a name often called with SICIL. I am 16 years old female. I love reading novels, and I drink tea. I just love the art. I love doodling random things that came from my mind. I am often chatty and simple minded, and the internet attracts me more nowadays.

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In this disclaimer, I wanted to welcome you in my blog and thanks for passing by or visiting by any chance in here. The rules are as usual, no spamming or stealing nor copycatting. You may take inspiration, but don't expect from me too much. I do by my own creativity and I used my brain. Plagiarism are a terrible language, so I suggested for you not to use plagiary words nor accents. Hope you noted it.



  Recent posts:

  • Love Not Me, by John Wilbye
  • Belajar COREL :D
  • Tanpaku Kau Mampu... Tanpaku Kau Bisa..
  • Pacaran : Bagaimanakah Peranan Orang Tua?
  • Antara Hobi, Cinta, dan Persahabatan...
  • Trend Kerudung Terkini ^_^


    Layout: Nicole and Dirah.
    Resources: Soonei and Sugarpink.

    Read the Printed Word!

  • Karya Kedua @ Corel Draw
    Minggu, 03 Oktober 2010 @ 18.48 | comment (0)

    Setelah bereksperimen bentar nih... Hohoho... Lama dink!! Abisnya susah banget. Aku kan masih pemula, prenn... ^^

    Awalnya nih aku iseng-iseng aja nyari di google, trus nemu artikel panduan buat bikin bercak-bercak noda gitu di corel. Setelah aku save page n aku baca sekilas, kayaknya gampang. Akhirnya aku coba-coba. Ternyata ya ampuunnn....susah banget!! Huuu... Maklum dehh pemula kayak aku ini kan gak niat, cuma iseng-iseng aja... :p

    Nih jadinya.... Berantakan sih emang, gak rapi. Tapi lumayan lah, baru kali ini saya telaten buat. Hahaha :D emang harus telaten kayaknya...
